Batista's Patience: WWE's Only Virtue?

While my title may not make much sense, neither do Batista's actions over the last few months.
I remember a few months ago that Batista was considering retiring; everyone knew that this wasn't a call for retirement, it was Batista saying, " Gimme a good belt or I'll walk."

The WWE gave him the title for what? a few days? and he loses to Jericho. If I were Batista, I'd be able to view this as a spit in the face. Ever since, he's been fighting with Orton over who gets the next shot; that was canned (proof being this tournament), they're (being the writing staff) basically going to turn this into a, "You screwed me" feud, and it might end with a title shot for the winner. I figure it will, it just seems that Batista is allowing himself to be low-balled by the WWE.
What do you think?
